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  1. Love your ideas! Thank you so much for sharing and I look forward to seeing your new resources in the future.

    1. KindergartenWorksheetsandGames says:

      You are so welcome!

  2. you are so creative,and so generous. thx for sharing, You give it freely…but all your ideas are really not cheap at all. I really appreciate for all the effort you done. -from Indonesia-

  3. Hey there, love all your worksheets. I was wondering do you have these in 11-20 also?

  4. Thank you so much for all your wonderful resources. Will be very helpful to teaching a group of special needs children who learn on a farm! Keep up the good work as it’s much appreciated : )

  5. Amy Baker says:

    I love your printables! Do you happen to have something like the Farm Number Bingo Worksheets in numbers 0-20?

    1. KindergartenWorksheetsandGames says:

      We don’t yet…. but we are working on it =)

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