Hey there! I’m so glad you are here in my neck of the web. The menu and search box at the top of the page are the best way to find what you need. Make sure to check out the New? Start Here page and printable Downloading FAQ because chances are there’s an answer to your question. But if you still have questions, keep reading below.
👉 Advertising Inquiries
We are happy to work with those representing family friendly companies that we feel our readers would like to know more about and that we can honestly endorse. Please email me so I can forward you our Media Kit with current stats and advertising prices. We do a very limited number of sponsored posts, Facebook ads, and sponsored eblasts to our list of 200k+readers.
👉 Want to Write for this Website?
I love hearing from my readers! Some of my posts and printables are a direct result from my readers suggestions. Feel free to email me info @ 123homeschool4me.com
Sometimes I receive a lot of emails. I will do my best to get back to you as soon as possible. I appreciate your patience as my family and our school time is my top priority. If you haven’t heard from me in several weeks feel free to shoot me another email or message me on Facebook as sometime emails get spammed for no apparent reason.
👉 Why do you have so many ads?
The way we keep our content FREE is by using ads. The ads allow us to put food on the table and cover the expenses of running our large site while still keeping content free for parents, teachers, and homeschoolers. But remember you can become a member and enjoy an AD FREE experience!
👉 Disclosures
This is a personal, recreational website written, maintained, and edited by me. All views and opinions I share here are mine and mine alone. We cannot be held liable for personal use of our crafts, recipes, educational materials, or anything else. Please use common sense when following directions or using educational material.
There are affiliate links, product reviews, sponsored posts, and paid ads on my blog. However, I NEVER support or share anything with you that I cannot honestly say we use and love. I have reviewed products before that I have not shared with you as I could not recommend them to you. If I receive an item for review you can assume I was gifted the item and paid for my time. 123 Homeschool 4 Me (run by Beth Gorden) is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to amazon.com.
I am not responsible for comments made by others and retain the right to remove comments that are offensive and do not flow with the nature of this blog.
👉 Privacy Policy
You can see our complete privacy policy here
👉 Content Use
All items herein are copyright protected. That includes my words, free printables, and all my pictures. You may not use any pictures without my prior approval. I am happy to have you share my blog or the title of a project with others are long as you appropriate direct others to my website name with a follow link. If you have a project for my consideration or questions about this or anything else please feel free to email me at info @ 123homeschool4me.com
👉 Terms of Use
This website contains LOTS of free printables! You are welcome to download them for your personal or personal classroom use. Our content may not be hosted anywhere else including, but not limited to, facebook, shared drives, other websites. Our materials may not be reproduced, repackaged, sold, or redistributed in whole or in part, for any reason. Please direct others to my original post for them to download the material for themselves.
Your frequent visits, and the ad revenue it produces for my family, is the way I can keep providing our resources for FREE! So share our site with others and come back and see us soon!