Welcome to Kindergarten Worksheets and Games! On this site you will find things specifically geared at young kids in k4, k5, and k6 who are just learning to count, add, subtract, measure, read, and begin their education. We believe that learning should be FUN! By instilling a firm foundation as well as a love and joy of learning your child will be ready for a lifetime of learning! This site is a partner website to our hugely popular 123 Homeschool 4 Me where we share over 1,000,000 FREE Worksheets, lesson plans, and ideas to make learning fun for kids of all ages. So if you don’t see exactly the resource you are looking for, or have students of different ages, chances are our 123Homeschool4me site, which provides resources for Pre-k-12th grade will. You can also find our vast Disney World archives, recipes, and more!
I hope all these free kindergarten worksheets and ideas will help make learning fun for your Preschool or Kindergartners!
Hi! My Name is Beth Gorden
First and foremost, I am a child of the risen Lord! I mostly grew up in Madrid, Spain where my parents served as missionaries. Yep – I speak Spanish fluently! As a result, I love traveling and exploring the world. I met my best friend and husband-to-be in college. We graduated college, got married, and in a couple years we were blessed with our first child! We lived in the Midwest of the United States in suburbia for over 15 years before God layed it on our hearts to move south. Now we live in the Bible belt and are enjoying warmer weather, beautiful waterfalls, and southern hospitality. I love to sing (Alto’s Rule!), work in our churches children’s ministry, cook, hang out with friends, play board games, snuggle up with my kids, travel any chance I get, have a flower and veggie garden, and run these educational websites too. I am a busy, blessed woman!
My Family
I’ve been married to my best friend for over 20 years. We have 3 biological children and 3 treasures adopted from China. Being a mother is my favorite thing I’ve ever done. Don’t get me wrong, we have hard days like everyone else, but these special people bring me such joy and I am so honored I get to be their Mom.