Subtraction Games
This subtraction game comes in color and will need a very little prep to get it ready. This subtraction printable allows pre-k, k5, and even first graders to work on subtraction skills and improve math fluency while they play! Whether you are a parent, teacher, homeschooler, daycare provider, or planning a camp – you will love these free subtraction games! This game would also be great used as part of a math unit or math center!
Subtraction Printables
Start by scrolling to the bottom of the post, under the terms of use, and click on the text link that says >> _______ <<. The pdf file will open in a new window for you to save your freebie. Now print off all of the subtraction printable game pages!
Subtraction Games for Kindergarten
After printing out all of the pages, I recommend laminating the game boards for durability.
There are four game boards in total in this printable pack.
Children will also need one die and some colored counters to play this game.
Simple subtraction games
To play the game, give the children one of the game boards. They will need a pile of counters each, one color for each player.
The first player rolls the die. After looking at the number on the die, they match it with the same number on the bottom of the game board.
They then go to the first available square above the number and answer the subtraction equation. If they answer correctly, they place one of their counters on the equation.
Player two, then has their go.
Printable subtraction games
The winner is the player that covers the most subtraction equations.
Children will love working on their subtraction skills with this fun and free printable board game.
Subtraction Activities
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Addition and Subtraction
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Free Subtraction games
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