If you are a kindergarten teacher or have students who are in kindergarten, you will want to check out our fun and free skip counting game! It’s perfect for counting in 2’s, 3’s, and 5’s. Plus, it’s so much fun that kids will never even realize they’re learning! Give it a try today! At some point in kindergarten, your students must start learning to skip count. This skill is vital as it lays the foundation for many other math concepts. Skip counting can be tricky for some kids, but with some practice, they will get the hang of it in no time!
How to teach skip counting
One of the skills kindergartners learn is skip counting. This skill of counting by groups is an important next step for not only counting faster, but laying the foundation for future math like multiplication. Sometimes it can be daunting to figure out where to start – how to teach skip counting. But we’ve got lots of information on what is skip counting, clever ways to teach the concept with songs, activities, and free printable skip counting game to practice skip counting in 2s, 3s, and 5s.
Skip Counting Game
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What is Skip Counting
What is skip counting? Skip counting is a way of counting by numbers other than 1 in math. We continue adding (or subtracting) the same number each time to the last number as we skip counting.
For example, if we’re skip counting in 2s, we would say 2, 4, 6, and 18. Notice how we are just adding 2 each time to the previous number?
Most of us learn to count by adding one number at a time. However, skip counting can be helpful when we want to count larger numbers faster. This would include counting by twos (fives, tens, and so on).
Why Is Skip Counting Important?
In the early years, skip counting is an important skill to develop. It helps students start to see the many patterns in our number system. It also lays an excellent foundation for building their number sense and learning about multiplication facts!
Learning counting in 2’s, 3’s, and 5’s comes in handy for everything from addition to multiplication to division problems.
Skip counting may be used for various things, but here are the most important ways it may assist you. It can help you:
- Count larger numbers faster
- Learn your multiplication facts.
However, skip counting also lays a solid foundation for loads of mathematical functions, including
- Division
- Work with fractions
- Prime and Composite Numbers
- Identifying different number sequences and patterns
It also helps develop math fluency as skip counting speeds up many mathematical processes in our heads when working with numbers.
How to Teach Skip Counting
There are many ways that you can practice skip counting with your students. As always, providing various activities and games is essential to keep your students engaged in learning.
Here are some skip-counting activities that you can use in your kindergarten classroom:
Skip Counting Songs
I love using songs to help my students retain information! I find that they are much more likely to remember a song than just a list of facts. And, once they learn a song, they can often recall it for years. Plus, it’s just plain fun! Some excellent skip-counting songs are available free on YouTube that are perfect for teaching youngsters. Here are a few of my personal favorites.
All the kids love to move and groove with Jack Hartman! He’s got a whole lot of energy, which he uses to teach kids counting in 2’s
Jack Hartman also has one for counting by 3’s
Count by 5’s from zero to one hundred with this fun song that features a fun dog and space theme.
Count forward and backward by 10’s is another catchy song by Jack Hartman.
Use Skip Counting Games At Circle Time
Skip Count and You Are Out
Kids LOVE games! This simple game needs no materials and can be played anytime. Stand in a circle. Pick a student to start you off. Tell the children that you will counting in 2s to 40. The first person says two, and the next person says four, and you continue going around the circle, counting by 2’s until you reach 40. The person that ends up saying 40 sits down. Keep playing until only 1 person is left standing. Try the same game, counting by 5’s or 10’s to 100.
Counting in 2s Game
Kids love games, and a free printable game is perfect for practicing skip counting with your students. Print out the game boards and let your students have fun while they learn! We’ve made three games to practice counting in 2’s2’s, 3’s3’s, and 5’s. To play, just print out the game boards. We’ve also included some number charts with the skip number highlighted in green. These are valuable tools for kids that need a little help.
Counting in 5s game
Materials Needed
- Free printable game (see below)
- Color printer
- White Cardstock
- Dice
- Playing pieces- you can use anything you have handy such as buttons, mini erasers, or small Lego blocks
- Laminator (optional)
Now print the board and chart you need. Laminate for durability if you like.  That’s it; you’re all prepped!
Counting in 3s game
The board game is almost the same except for the numbers. We also have a different animal for each game.
- Students roll the die and move along the board, saying the numbers. When they get to a space with a flower, they must fill in the missing number.
- If they fill in the number correctly, they can continue moving. If the player forgets, or can’t fill in the number correctly, they miss their turn. This means they go back to where they started on that turn.
Hint: Early learners may find it hard to keep track of how many squares they have moved when they say the numbers on the squares. Have the children roll the dice and count the number of squares with their finger. Then they keep their finger on that spot and move the game pieces while saying the numbers on the squares.
Students can play in pairs or small groups, so they can help each other.
Kindergarten Math Activities
Here are some of our favorite kindergarten math activities. You can see all our kindergarten math worksheets or dive deeper into all our free kindergarten worksheets too!
- Crack the Code Worksheet Pages, insect telling Time Puzzle to the hour and half hour and putting numbers in order to 20 worksheets, teaching money activities, odd and even worksheets, and math coloring worksheets
- Free Printable Coin Worksheets – color by coin and cute Skip Counting Puzzles
- Dog and Bone Addition Activity for Kindergarten and fun Hundreds Chart Battleship
- Geoboard Activities and watermelon Kindergarten Math Activities
- Months of the Year Activities and Tic-Tac-Toe Printable Addition Games
- Dinosaur Theme Kindergaten Math Worksheets, free What Comes Next Kindergarten Math, and Ice Cream Math Worksheets and sandcastle Subtraction Craft
- Fill in the blank math worksheets and shape pattern worksheets
- Hoppy Frog Math Game and goldfish Kindergarten Subtraction Games
- Free tens and ones worksheets, fun Math Bingo, and numbers 1 to 50 worksheets
- Blowing Bubble Math Worksheets and smores Free Kindergarten Math Worksheets
- Hands-on Estimation for Kindergarten Activity and snowball Sorting Odd and Even Math Activities plus bug Measuring Kindergarten Worksheets and Roll to 100 Counting Game
- Flower Shape Kindergarten Math Crafts and color and learn with these Ordinal Number Worksheets and spring Kite Skip Counting Craft and pirate I Spy Worksheets
- Free Number Recognition Worksheets for Kindergarten and simple addition worksheets
- Engaging, Reusable Kindergarten Math Worksheets pdf, free printable ten frame worksheets, and Graphing Worksheets for Kindergarten
- Comparing Numbers Worksheets – greater than and less than pages, frog kindergarten color by number worksheets 50-59, free capacity worksheets
- Addition with pictures worksheets for kindergarten, free matching shapes worksheets for kindergarten, and free before and after worksheets
Skip Counting Activities
We have lots of fun skip counting activities and free worksheets for elementary age students!
- Free skip counting games, spring Skip Counting Games, printable skip counting mazes, Oregon Trail math game
- Skip Counting Worksheets 1s-15s, Polar Animals Skip Counting Worksheets, free skip counting dot to dot, fun connect the dots constellations worksheet pdf, follow the path skip counting printables, hundreds chart skip counting chart
- Skip counting charts 1-15, skip counting anchor chart, or these cute Skip Counting posters, cut and paste skip counting worksheets for kindergarten
- Kite skip counting craft, 50+ skip counting puzzles, ocean skip counting dot to dot
- Bunny skip counting printable clip cards, monster skip count by 4 clip cards, penguin skip counting strips, sundae skip counting activities for kindergarten, fairy tale counting in 2s
- Seasonal skip counting: christmas worksheets, free christmas skip counting puzzles, fun fall worksheets, easter math, pumpkin seed skip counting, turkey math, winter math skip counting puzzles
- Smores skip counting activities, hands-on skip counting ideas like self-checking lacing plates, world landmarks skip counting puzzles, number train skip counting activity, skip count star wars worksheets
Counting in 2s 5s and 10s game
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