Easter is such a great time to do fun easter activities for kids and easter arts and crafts! This list has over 100 Easter ideas from A to Z to keep kids happily creating art of bunnies, chicks, easter eggs, and so many more!! These easter crafts for elementary students are perfect for toddler, preschool, pre-k, kindergarten, first grade, 2nd grade, 3rd grade, 4th grade, 5th grade, and 6th grade students. Come take a peak at LOTS of fun Easter craft ideas!
Easter Arts and Crafts
Whether you are looking for easter activities for kids to do, some Easter themed learning activities, ideas to make as an Easter gift, or some gorgeous Easter decorations to brighten up your indoors – we have the best Easter craft ideas for everyone on this huge list. WE have so many fun easter crafts for kindergarten and elementary age students from toddlers, preschoolers, and kindergartners to grade 1, grade 2, grade 3, and grade 4 students.
Make an alien easter egg, or how about a how about a Unicorn egg? Build some Easter themed Lego, or try an Easter word search. Make a gorgeous Easter wreath for your front door, or practice some writing skills with an zig zag Easter egg activity. Each letter of the alphabet has an Easter craft or activity (or two, or three, or more!) to match it. You’ll never run out ideas with this list, so pick your favourite letter and join the fun!
Easter crafts for toddlers
A is for agamograph, alphabet, and alien.
- Easter Agamographs from Easy Peasy and Fun.
- ABC Letter Matching Game with bunnies and carrots
- Easter Egg Alphabet Hunt from Artsy Momma.
- Alphabet Mats with Easter Theme
- Alien Easter Eggs from The Joys of Boys.
Easter crafts for kids
B is for baskets, balloons, and bunnies!
- Easter Bunny Hats – several options in this free printable download
- Printable Easter Bunny Baskets from The Craft Train.
- BINGO Easter Game
- Balloon Printed Easter Eggs from Happy Toddler Play Time.
- Simple Easter Bunny Card from I Heart Craty Things.
- Easy, creative Easter Bath for kids
- How to Make Clothespin Bunnies from One Little Project.
- DIY Bunny Box from Buggy and Buddy.
C is for cupcakes, catapults, cookies, and chicks.
- Easy Easter Chick Cupcakes from Childhood101
- Counting Easter Eggs Activity
- Easy Bunny Cupcakes from Eats Amazing.
- Cross Craft for Kids
- Fun Catapulting Peeps Game from There’s Just One Mommy.
- Easter Egg Colors Activity
- Easy Easter Cookies from Picklebums.
- Hatching Chick Craft from I Heart Crafty Things
- Easter Color by Number Hats
D is for doilies, dinosaur, donut, and duck.
- Easter Egg Doily Craft from A Little Pinch of Perfect.
- Eater Dinosaur Eggs from The Joys of Boys.
- Donut Easter Eggs from Kara’s Party Ideas.
- Lego Easter Duck from Brain Powered Boy.
Easter Craft Ideas
E is for emojis, ears and eggs.
- Emoji Easter Eggs from Studio DIY.
- Cute Deviled Egg Chicks from In the Kids Kitchen.
- DIY Bunny Ears Headband from Artsy Momma.
- Easter Egg Coloring Pages from Simple Everyday Mom.
- Easter Egg Math Mats from Homeschool Preschool.
- Visual Discrimination Activity with Plastic Easter Eggs
Easter craft activities for kids
F is for finger puppet, foil, flowers, and flamingoes.
- Felt Easter Bunny Finger Puppet from Easy Peasy and Fun.
- Tin Foil Easter Egg Art from I Heart Crafty Things.
- Felt Calendar Countdown to Easter
- Flower Easter Baskets from The Craft Train.
- Fraction Easter Eggs Activity
- Flamingo (and Swan) Easter Eggs from Studio DIY.
G is for garden, geodes and glasses.
- Simple Resurrection Garden from There’s Just One Mommy.
- Geode Easter Eggs – grow your own crystals
- Crystal Geode Easter Egg Science Activity from Little Bins for Little Hands.
- Crazy Easter Glasses from Picklebums.
H is for handprints, hearts, hunts, and Harry Potter!
- Chick Handprint Card Craft from Simple Everyday Mom.
- Heart Bunny Craft from Easy Peasy and Fun.
- Easter Egg Hunt with Free Printable Clues from Edventures With Kids.
- How to Paint Harry Potter Easter Eggs from Adventures in a Box.
Easter craft ideas for kids
I for ink, and ice cream.
- Ink Chromatography Easter Decorations from Team Cartwright.
- Easter Egg Ice Creams from Hello Wonderful.
- Ice Cream Cone Easter Treats from Crafty Morning.
Easter arts and crafts for kids
J is for jellybeans, and jello.
- Jelly Bean Craft Bracelet for Easter from Natural Beach Living.
- Rainbow Jello Eggs from Camilleiam.
- Jelly Bean Printable for teaching kids to count and trace numbers
K is for kindness, kids, and kings.
- Easter Kindness Activities from Coffee and Carpool.
- Easter Kids Matching Clip Cards from Simple Fun for Kids.
- King Easter Egg (and other characters) from Picklebums.
L is for Lego and llama.
- Easter Lego Mosaic Printables from Childhood101.
- Lego Easter Eggs from Little Bins for Little Hands.
- Lego Minifigure Decorated Easter Eggs from Frugal Fun for Boys and Girls.
- Easter Egg Llama from Glued to My Crafts.
Easter art activities
M is for maracas, mazes, masks, and mermaids.
- Easter Egg Maracas from Happiness is Homemade.
- Mosaic Easter Eggs
- Easter Mazes to print and play
- Mason Jar Bunny Craft
- Printable Easter Mazes from Artsy Momma.
- Make a Paper Plate Easter Bunny Mask from Kids’ Craft Room.
- DIY Mermaid Eggs from Red Ted Art.
N is for numbers, napkins, ninjas, and nests.
- Easter Number Puzzles from That Kids Craft Site.
- How to Fold Bunny Napkins from The Soccer Mom Blog.
- Wobble Egg Ninjas from Frugal fun for Boys and Girls.
- Rice Krispie Easter Nests from Crafty Morning.
O is for owl, octopus, and optical illusion.
- Owl Easter Eggs from Adventures in a Box.
- Octopus Easter Eggs from Pysselbolaget.
- 3D Optical Illusion Easter Peeps from Pink Stripey Socks.
Easter crafts for preschoolers
P is for plates, potatoes, pudding, and people.
- Peep Easter Playdough Recipe
- Paper Bag Bunny Craft
- Pancakes that look like an Easter Bunny is such a fun craft
- Paper Plate Easter Basket Craft from Coffee and Carpool.
- Easter Egg Potato Stamps from Natural Beach Living.
- Painting with Eggs
- Easter Bunny Pudding Cups from Crayons and Cravings.
- Phonics Easter Eggs
- Egg People Easter Craft from Mr Printables.
Easter arts and crafts for toddlers
Q is for quilling and queen
- Paper Quilling Easter Egg Craft from Artsy Craftsy Mom.
- Red Queen Easter Egg from Disney Family
R is for rocks, rockets, rubber and resurrection.
- Easy Painted Easter Egg Rocks from Projects With Kids.
- Easter Egg Rocket Racers from Inspiration Laboratories.
- How to Make a Rubber Egg from Babble Dabble Do.
- He is Risen Craft from Non-Toy Gifts.
S is for suncatcher, space, sewing, and slime.
- Easter Egg Suncatcher from Laughing Kids Learn.
- Space Easter Egg Craft from Adventures in a Box.
- Paper Plate Easter Sewing Craft from Red Ted Art.
- Easter Bunny Slime from The Best Ideas 4 Kids.
- Easter Glitter Slime from Natural beach Living.
T is for tie dye, truck, turtles, and tape.
- Tie Dye Easter Eggs from Messy Little Monster.
- Tracing Letters on Printable Easter Eggs
- Easter Egg Delivery Truck from Mr Printables.
- Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle Easter Eggs from Lemon Lime Adventures.
- Easter Egg Tape Craft from Crafty Morning.
Easy easter crafts for toddlers
U is for unicorn
- Cute and Easy Unicorn Eggs from Red Ted Art.
- Paper Plate Bunny Unicorn Craft from Non-Toy Gifts.
V is for Vanellope, vase, and volcano.
- Vanellope Easter Egg Decorating (and other Disney characters) from Simple Everyday Mom.
- Easter Chick Mason Jar Vase from Weekend Craft.
- Volcano Egg Dying from Toddler Approved.
Easter art for kids
W is for words, wreath, weaving, and whiskers.
- Printable Easter Wreath Craft
- Easter Word Search from Crayons and Cravings.
- Easter Egg Wreath from The Soccer Mom Blog
- Walking on Eggs Sciene Experiment
- Color by Letter Easter Worksheets
- Easter Egg and Chick Paper Weaving from Red Ted Art.
- Easter Bunny Nose and Whiskers from Kids’ Craft Room.
X is for ‘x marks the spot’ xylophone.
- Easter Egg Pirate (and other characters) from Picklebums
Easter craft for toddlers
Y is for yarn, and yoda.
- Easter Yarn Crafts from Natural Beach Living.
- Yarn Easter Bunny Craft from The Craft Train.
- How to Paint a Yoda (and other Star Wars characters) Easter Egg from Frugal Fun for Boys and Girls.
Z is for zig zags, and zentangle.
- Zig Zag Pre-Writing Easter Egg Craft from Still Playing School.
- Easter Egg Zentangles from Lalymom.
With 100 Easter crafts and activities on this list, how many can you do this Easter?
Free Easter Printables
These fun activities use our free easter printables to save you on prep work!
- Neighborhood Printable Easter Scavenger Hunt
- Super cute Easter Color by Number Hat Craft
- Free Printable Bunny Ears Template to print in color or black and white
- Free Printable Easter Bingo
- Easter Printables Egg Color Corting
- Simple Easter Printable Color Matching
- Counting Eggs Easter Playdough Mats
- Free Printable Easter Mazes
- Jelly Bean Gospel Printable
- Visual Discrimination Egg Activities for Preschoolers
Easter Worksheets
Looking for free Easter worksheets or educational easter activities? Check out these resources and don’t miss our Easter Lesson Plan for Preschool or our Easter Books for PReschoolers
- Easter Printables Tracing and Coloring Pages
- Easter Color by Number Worksheets or try these Easter Color by Number Pages
- Bunny Letter Matching Easter Worksheet Preschool
- Count and Trace Jelly Bean Eggs Easter Activities for Preschoolers
- Alphabet Mats Easter Printables
- Learn Color Words with this Easter Printables Reader
- Free Jelly Bean Counting Worksheet
- Count and Clip Easter Math Activities for Preschoolers
- Preschool Math Puzzle Easter Printables
- Easter Sight words Activity
Kindergarten Crafts
Looking for more fun craft projects? Try these:
- Lots of Toilet Paper Roll Crafts
- Super cute, free printable farm animal puppets
- Hundreds Paper Plate Crafts for Kids from A to Z
- Make one of these flower crafts
- These precious keepsake handprint alphabet craftshelp your child to learn the alphabet at the same time!
- Grab your craft sticks, you are going to want to make all of these cool popsicle stick crafts
- Make practicing math fun by making one of these FUN and FREE Math Crafts
- Brr! It may be cold outside, but stay warm in a winter wonderland with these snowflake crafts
- Get ready for the first day of school with these Back to School Crafts
- WE have tons of monthy kindergarten crafts
- Plus don’t miss these super cute and FREE abc crafts for lowercase letters