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  1. Stephanie Friesen says:

    Do you have both the lowercase and uppercase alphabet coloring sheets in versions that are already colored? I love the Black&White coloring pages for the kids to do but would also enjoy a colored version to have displayed. The picture for this resource shows it colored so I’ve been searching for both versions (colored and B&W) for awhile now. Thank you!

    1. KindergartenWorksheetsandGames says:

      At the moment we do not have colored versions. But we will add it to our list =)

  2. Robin Winkle says:

    Beth, Thank you so much for your free upper/lowercase ABC pages. We made the uppercase into books for all the children at the end of the year. They loved them. We also enjoyed your number pages. Have you made the numbers 11-20? Would love to see them.
    Thank you for all your hard work which makes our work easier.
    (Pre-K teacher of 28 years)

  3. Designer Shrouq says:

    Thank you for all your ideas

  4. Thank you for these lovely worksheets and for your kind heart ❤️ bless you!

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