These super cute, free printable, lower case letter tracing cards have a fun fruit and vegetable theme. Use these lowercase letter tracing activity to help kids practice letter tracing while learning new vocabulary and improving handwriting. Use the fruits and vegetables printables with toddler, preschool, pre-k, and kindergarten age students. Simply print tracing lowercase letters printable and you are ready to play and learn!
Lower Case Letter Tracing
Young children needs lots of practice to strengthen hand muscles and coordination as they learn to write their alphabet letters. These handy Lower Case Letter Tracing printables are such a great way to practice forming lowercase letters. These free alphabet flashcards are a fun way to practice over and over with a trace and erase activity perfect for toddlers, preschoolers, kindergartners, and grade 1 students. Whether you are a parent, teacher, or homeschooler – you will love this lower case alphabet tracing to improve penmanship and handwriting for kids while they have fun. Use the lowercase alpbet tracing as extra practice, summer learning, literacy centers, or any other way you like to slip in a fun, educational learning activity into your school day. These LOW PREP alphabet playdough mats are a fun way to learn lowercase letters with a fun, hands on alphabet activity for young learners.
Lowercase Letter Tracing
Start out by grabbing the freebie by scrolling to the bottom of the post, under the terms of use, and enter your email address in the box. If you are already a subscriber this confirms your subscription; new readers will be added to our free weekly newsletter. The fruits and vegetables printables pdf file will now be immediately emailed to you. Click on download button in email.
Tracing lowercase letters
Print the alphabet pages in color and laminate to make them reusable. Then, carefully use scissors to cut each page into four alphabet cards. It’s that simple – you are ready for a fun alphabet activity for kids!
Lower case alphabet tracing
Each of these alphabet printables has a fruit or vegetable on the card that starts with the letter on the card. So besides being a great activity to learn their ABCs and practice tracing, it is also a fun way to learn new vocabulary – the names of produce.
- A is for artichoke
- B is for broccoli
- C is for currants
- D is for dates
- E is for eggplant
- F is for fig
- G is for gooseberry
- H is for honeydew melon
- I is for Indian Corn
- J is for jalapeno
- K is for kiwi
- L is for lemon
- M is for mango
- N is for nectarine
- O is for onion
- P is for pineapple
- Q is for quince
- R is for raspberry
- S is for spinach
- T is for tomato
- U is for ugli fruit
- V is for vegetable marrow
- W is for watermelon
- X is for xigua
- Y is for yams
- Z is for zuchini
Trace lowercase letters
Kids can practice tracing letters with their fingers first. Each letter has clear instructions on how to form the lowercase letter correctly. Then have toddlers, preschoolers, and kindergartens trace the letters with a dry erase marker and wipe clean so they practice again later.
I just love reusable activities! They are a great way for parents, teachers, and homeschoolers to make learning fun while not breaking the bank! This activity is perfect for a literacy center, extra practice, summer learning, or seat work.
Alphabet Playdough Mats
Another fun way to use these ABC cards is to use them as playdough mats. Kids can strengthen fine motor skills by rolling out play dough into a long rope and then shaping it as the lower case letters on top of the Alphabet Cards.
Lowercase Alphabet Tracing
You can grab the uppercase letter tracing cards from our sister site Preschool Play and Learn. They have cute animals from A to Z.
Fruit Activities for Kids
Looking for more fruit printable activities? You may want to check these out:
- Free Printable ABC Fruits and Vegetables Book for Kids to color and learn
- I Spy Fruits Worksheet for Preschool
- 🍉 Sneak in some fruit science with this watermelon volcano, play with puffy watermelon slime reicpe, or see all our watermelon activities
- 🍋 Lemon Volcano is a super EASY and fun Fruit Science or lemonade TEn Frames Kindergarten
- 🍎 Sorting Apples Alphabet Activity or this Apple Counting Mat for Fall
- 🍏 Apple Life Cycle Worksheets or make this simple Paper Plate Apple Core Craft
- Count to 20 Clip Card Fruit Printables
- 🍇 How to make Grape Jam Sequencing Cards or PB&J Coloring Pages
- Fruit Cards or Fruit Paper Activity
Fruit Activity
- 🍓 Strawberry Playdough Fruit Activity
- 🍓 Cute Handprint Strawberry Craft or printable Rhyming Strawberry Activity
- 💙 Hands-on Blueberry Math
- Dancing Raisins – EASY chemistry experiment for kids
- 🥥 Coconut Number Tracing Fruit Printables
- 🍅 Simple Tomato Battery Fruit Science Experiment
- Math Fruit Worksheet Preschool
- A-Z Vegetable and Fruit Printables for practicing lowercase letters
- 🍌Banana Number Puzzles
Kinderagrten Printables
- Free Alphabet coloring pages
- Kindergarten Worksheets
- Free printable alphabet worksheets
- Winter color by number
- LOTS of free alphabet worksheets
- Kindergarten alphabet worksheets
- Dinosaur printables
- Free kindergarten math games
- Free alphabet worksheets
- free kindergarten worksheets
Kindergarten Activities
- Crack the Code Worksheets
- Country Coloring Pages
- Lower Case Letter Tracing (trace and erase or use with playodugh)
- Alphabet Handprint Art
- Free Printable Alphabet Crafts
- Animal Color by Number Worksheets
- Lots of fun Kindergarten Science Experiments
- Free Do a Dot Printables
Alphabet Tracing Cards
By using resources from my site you agree to the following:
- This is for personal and personal classroom use (to share this resource, please direct others to this post to grab their own free copy)
- This may NOT be sold, hosted, reproduced, or stored on any other site (including blog, Facebook, Dropbox, etc.)
- All materials provided are copyright protected. Please see Terms of Use.
- Graphics Purchased and used with permission
- I offer free printables to bless my readers AND to provide for my family. Your frequent visits to my blog & support purchasing through affiliates links and ads keep the lights on so to speak. Thanks you!
Hi there, I can’t seem to find a contact email so could you please email me back asap, it’s just regarding the font used and the terms of use attached to them.
You can email us at info (at) kindergartenworksheetsandgames (dot) com
Thank you for making this printable it is exactly what I need for my kids. However, I am confused how to download. Am I missing the link? Thank you.
It’s in the box showing the freebie. I just sent it to you using the email address you commented as. Enjoy!
Hi I am not seeing download button? Just lots of ads to download other things?
This item is a subscriber freebie. At the bottom of the post enter email in the turquoise box to join our free newsletter and we will send you this printable right to your inbox! Enjoy
Hi, I hit the subscribe buttton but couldn’t seem to receive the email with the download link. Or any email actually. Looking forward to your subscribed mails! Thank you!
If you don’t see any emails, you should check your spam folder 😉 Some peoples setting filters out more email than other
Je vous remercie pour toutes vos idées inépuisables….
Encore Bravo et surtout Merci pour le partage!!!!!
Bien à vous
Hi, I was so excited for this download, and I subscribed to your newsletters to get it. I just downloaded it, and I am so confused.
Letter a: artichoke. makes /o/ sound
Letter j: jalapeño. makes /h/ sound
Why choose pictures of items that do not make the sounds we teach at this level? And some items are so obscure I don’t even know how to pronounce them.
Hi Katie,
To get fruit & vegetables for all the letters they start with the same letter, but don’t always make the sound. This is not a phonics activity, but rather practice for writing letters AND learning new vocabulary =)
My grandson loves doing your projects, they have helped him a lot. Thank you and keep up the great work you’re doing.
Thank you ??
I wanted to start off and say thank you for all the free printables, but I was wondering if you might of thought about making another set of these lowercase trace that didn’t involve fruit and vegetables? Thanks again!!!
My thoughts are along the same lines as Patricia above (October 17, 2020 @ 8:05pm)
Do you happen to have these lowercase alphabet cards that have no theme at all? I understand the concept of the theme, but if you have some with no theme, that would be very helpful.
Thank you for your time and consideration.
Unfortunately, I cannot due to copyright of the clipart. WE have to add enough original content and styling of our own.
great job!
Hello! This will really be useful to my new preschoolers but I’m confused about how I can download. I don’t see the turquoise box to enter my email. Thanks!
scroll to the bottom of the post, under the terms of use. the left side is turquoise and the right side of box is white. Enter email address and press blue download button. The pdf will immediately open for you to save and print.
Wow! Great material to use for intervention with older students. Thank you!!
These will be so helpful with teaching my preschool aged daycare children to write before heading off to school!
love your website, incredible material!
Nice..looks like fun for KG
Thank you soooo much!! I love your resources. It is an amzing tool to help me with my students!!