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  1. Hi there, I can’t seem to find a contact email so could you please email me back asap, it’s just regarding the font used and the terms of use attached to them.

    1. KindergartenWorksheetsandGames says:

      You can email us at info (at) kindergartenworksheetsandgames (dot) com

  2. Thank you for making this printable it is exactly what I need for my kids. However, I am confused how to download. Am I missing the link? Thank you.

    1. KindergartenWorksheetsandGames says:

      It’s in the box showing the freebie. I just sent it to you using the email address you commented as. Enjoy!

  3. Hi I am not seeing download button? Just lots of ads to download other things?

    1. KindergartenWorksheetsandGames says:

      This item is a subscriber freebie. At the bottom of the post enter email in the turquoise box to join our free newsletter and we will send you this printable right to your inbox! Enjoy

  4. Hi, I hit the subscribe buttton but couldn’t seem to receive the email with the download link. Or any email actually. Looking forward to your subscribed mails! Thank you!

    1. KindergartenWorksheetsandGames says:

      If you don’t see any emails, you should check your spam folder 😉 Some peoples setting filters out more email than other

  5. Je vous remercie pour toutes vos idées inépuisables….
    Encore Bravo et surtout Merci pour le partage!!!!!
    Bien à vous

  6. Hi, I was so excited for this download, and I subscribed to your newsletters to get it. I just downloaded it, and I am so confused.
    Letter a: artichoke. makes /o/ sound
    Letter j: jalapeño. makes /h/ sound
    Why choose pictures of items that do not make the sounds we teach at this level? And some items are so obscure I don’t even know how to pronounce them.

    1. KindergartenWorksheetsandGames says:

      Hi Katie,
      To get fruit & vegetables for all the letters they start with the same letter, but don’t always make the sound. This is not a phonics activity, but rather practice for writing letters AND learning new vocabulary =)

  7. Charles Houseknecht says:

    My grandson loves doing your projects, they have helped him a lot. Thank you and keep up the great work you’re doing.

  8. I wanted to start off and say thank you for all the free printables, but I was wondering if you might of thought about making another set of these lowercase trace that didn’t involve fruit and vegetables? Thanks again!!!

  9. Teresa Howard says:

    My thoughts are along the same lines as Patricia above (October 17, 2020 @ 8:05pm)
    Do you happen to have these lowercase alphabet cards that have no theme at all? I understand the concept of the theme, but if you have some with no theme, that would be very helpful.

    Thank you for your time and consideration.

    1. KindergartenWorksheetsandGames says:

      Unfortunately, I cannot due to copyright of the clipart. WE have to add enough original content and styling of our own.

  10. Hello! This will really be useful to my new preschoolers but I’m confused about how I can download. I don’t see the turquoise box to enter my email. Thanks!

    1. KindergartenWorksheetsandGames says:

      scroll to the bottom of the post, under the terms of use. the left side is turquoise and the right side of box is white. Enter email address and press blue download button. The pdf will immediately open for you to save and print.

  11. Wow! Great material to use for intervention with older students. Thank you!!

  12. These will be so helpful with teaching my preschool aged daycare children to write before heading off to school!

  13. Rodrigo Saucedo says:

    love your website, incredible material!

  14. Nice..looks like fun for KG

  15. Thank you soooo much!! I love your resources. It is an amzing tool to help me with my students!!

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