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  1. So cute and perfect for my soon to be Kinder baby, I know she will love these. Thank you for your amazing printables!!

  2. Hi there. Not complaining, because I love these worksheets, but “U” says “U is or Umpire and “X” says “A is for apple”. Thought you’d like to know ?

    1. KindergartenWorksheetsandGames says:

      Thanks for the heads up – they are all fixed! Enjoy =)

  3. Maria C. Rodriguez says:

    Thank you so much for sharing it. My ESL students will enjoy using it. 🙂

  4. Michaela De Sapio Yazar says:

    Thank you these are great for my students.

  5. ERIKA ROJAS says:

    Thanks in good time, I have had to send homework packages for my children to do at home, in this time of Covi-19, I work in a private center and there is no possibility that I can teach the class online, because the daddies they are of little resources, this resource is good for me. Thank you very much for helping us in this difficult time. God continue to bless you and pay you according to your riches in glory.

  6. Mirtza Borjas, says:

    I love them, Thank you

  7. so cute and easy to taught to my children.. thank you for free copies.

  8. chandrasha says:

    Thankyou, These worksheets are quite helpful.

  9. This is super awesome. Thank you. Just wanted to give you another heads up if it hasn’t been communicated yet. Many of the letters in the section that say “Glue the letters that start with an….several of them say letter A when it is a different letter.

    1. KindergartenWorksheetsandGames says:

      all fixed, thanks for the heads up 😉

  10. Dear, Beth.. I just want to thank you for sharing amazing templates for us to work anywhere. 🙂

  11. These are great! Looking forward to using them with my ELD students!! Thank you!!

  12. Dear Beth,

    Thank you for sharing your templates. They will be helpful when I teach my child at home.


    MUCHAS GRACIAS. I’m an English teacher in Mexico, this types of worksheets are so handy!!!!

  14. Jennifer Detter says:

    We really appreciate your beautiful, creative, and innumerable free resources! They will really help my grandsons enjoy learning as they start out! God bless you for your generosity!

  15. Oh~~~~Thank you for sharing your templates for my stunents.



  17. Thank you for the printable worksheets. I am a staying-at-home-mom and I was looking for some full-package material. My 3 kids under 6, all are so happy to try new activities. Thanks. 🙂

  18. All of these worksheets are really helpful to me as a teacher! Thank you so much <3

  19. Love these worksheets!!! They are very helpful:)

  20. Thank you. These are really useful.

  21. Thank you. These are really useful.

  22. Thanks, These are really nice

  23. Sophie Liu says:

    Thank you so much! I love these worksheets.

  24. Sophie Liu says:

    Thank you so much for sharing it.

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