Whether you are learning about George Washington for Presidents Day, American History, 4th of July, or simply learning about US presidents for kids, this super cute and easy-to-make george washington craft is sure to be a hit. This george washington paper plate craft is perfect for toddler, preschool, pre-k, kindergarten, first grade, and 2nd grade students to learn a little about our first president of the United States of America. This george washington craft kindergarten is a fun costume for kids to look like the president for your play or celebration.
George Washington Craft
George Washington was the first president of the United States. Help kids celebrate this general who helped lead our fight for Independence and became United States of America’s first president with this cute george washington paper plate craft. This simple George Washington craft is a fun way to celebrate Presidents Day on the third Monday of every February. Originally, President’s Day was celebrated on February 22nd, which was George Washington birthday, but the holiday was moved to the third Monday of the month to make it easier to take the day off from work. Use this paper plate George Washington Birthday Craft to learn about our very first president! THis george washington craft kindergarten is perfect for toddlers, preschoolers, kindergartners, and grade 1 students too.
We’ve also included some George Washington printables to round out your study along with some fun George Washington picture books for kids. Children will have fun making this george washington preschool craft!
George washington paper plate craft
This simple, plaper plate craft is super cute and easy to make too. All you need are a few simple materials you probably already have at home:
- Cotton balls
- Large craft stick
- Tape
- Glue
- Ribbon
- Scissors
- Paper plates
- Cardstock paper
George Washington Preschool Craft
Cut out the center of the paper plate and flip it so the back is facing the top. Cut two tear drop-shaped pieces of paper from cardstock paper, about 6 inches long and 2 inches wide. Glue the tear drops to the bottom sides of the plate to make the wig shape. Gently pull the cotton balls apart and glue them all over the paper plate and the tear drops, leaving an opening at the bottom for a chin. Tape the jumbo craft stick to the back of the paper plate. Once the glue is dry, glue a ribbon bow to George Washington’s hair. During the time, many men wore bows in their hair and wigs as well as women.
George washington craft kindergarten
Let the kids use the masks to transform into the very first president! Some kids might want to add extra bows and transform into Martha Washington, too! Looking for more fun crafts? Check out all our Kindergarten Crafts
Best George Washington Books for Kids
Here are some books about George Washington your kids will love to read and learn.
th of July Printables
Looking for more fun and FREE fourth of July printables? You will love these:
- Kids will have practicing number recognition while revealing patriotic hidden images in these FREE 4th of July Color by Number Worksheet
- The whole family will have fun playing this free printable 4th of July Bingo Game
- Super cute, free 4th of July Hat Craft
- Fourth of July I Spy – super cute 4th of July Worksheets
- Free 4th of July Worksheets for Preschool kids
- Learn more about the good old USA with these American Symbols Worksheets
- American Symbols for Kids themed worksheets
- Read, Color, and Learn about American Symbols for Kids
- Free Printable State Coloring Pages
- Have fun grilling with these 4th of July Activity counting with playdough mats
- Practice CVC Words with this fun, educational 4th of July Activity
- Color by Hundreds Chart 4th of July Worksheets
- Subtraction 4th of July Math Worksheets
4th of July Activities
- 100 FUN 4th of July Crafts & Activities for Kids
- Try this easy Fireworks 4th of July Craft
- Bleeding Tissue Paper 4th of July Crafts
- Print off these FREE 4th of July Coloring Pages to help kids learn about common patriotic symbols.
- Try this EASY Red, White and Blue 4th of July Science Experiment!
- Fireworks in a Jar – 4th of July Oil and Water Science Experiment
- Magic Milk 4th of July Science Experiments
- Vinegar and Baking Soda Rocket 4th of July Science Experiment for Kids
4th of July Crafts
- Painters Tape American Flag Craft
- Firework 4th of July Crafts for Preschoolers
- Bomb Pop Fourth of July Craft
- Founding Father George Washington Craft
- 4th of July Fireworks Craft with bleeding tissue paper
- Simple 4th of July Fireworks Crafts painted with TP roll
- Over 100 4th of July Activities and Crafts for Kids of all ages!
- Fireworks 4th of July Crafts for kids with free printable templates
- Tic-Tac-Toe on the GO
- or sneak in some history with this Declaration of Independence for Kids
United States Lesson for Kids
Help children learn about the great country of the United States with these free printables and resources:
- Free Presidents of the United States for Kids
- Printable USA Presidents Coloring Pages
- USA For Kids Printable Book
- Voting for Kids – How Americans elect a new president
- Free Presidents Worksheets – Learn about all the American presidents
- Painters Tape American Flag Craft
- US State Symbols MatsÂ
- American Revolution for Kids
- Printable Maps for Kids
- American Symbols Worksheets
- Fireworks Patriotic Craft
- 50 States Worksheets
- Super CUTE, Free State Coloring Pages
- Native Americans for Kids – explore various tribes as you create free printable book, make PVC tent, totem poles, Indian fry bread, husk dolls, recreate an archeological dig with arrow heads, and more!
- Colonial America for Kids takes kids on a journey back to the first settlers in America – eat Gruel, make a Wattle & Daub house, create a tin lantern, write with a quill, make simple Johnny Cakes, make you own marbles, create traditional silhouette art projects, and more.
American Revolution for Kids. In 4 units your students will learn what events lead up to the American Revolution and famous figures will making dragon pistols, roll their own cartridges, working spy cipher, cold feet activity.
- What was the Westward Expanion?  History comes alive as they learn about the Oregon trail, pony express, gold rush, transcontinental railroad, and more with printables and activities like making a covered wagon, homemade crackers, how to square dance, pan for gold, and make a railroad project.
- Civil War for Kids We have recommendations for mapping and visiting famous battle sights nearby, printable civil war board game, make an informative emergent reader, create a flip book or people students should know, and complete some free printable Civil War worksheets.