Kids will have a blast learning about the letter A in this A is for Airplane Letter of the Week unit for preschool, prek, and kindergarten age kids.
Books to Read this week:
A is for Airplane
Day #1 – Craft
To start of your Letter A week, make an airplane together. You can make one out of a paper towel roll by cutting slits on the top & bottom on both sides and sliding a piece of cardboard through to make longer front and short back wings. Add a piece of cardboard using tape to make a rudder. You can use a dixie cup to make the front. Decorate your airplane. Here are some other Airplane Craft Ideas:
Day #2 – Making the Letter A
Next up in your letter a week is using these alphabet play dough mats use cotton balls to fill in the letter A. The cotton balls represent all the clouds the airplanes fly through. Run your child’s finger across the A to make the letter with your child.
For children wanting additional worksheets try these {free} Printables:
Day #3 – Activity
Next in your letter A week is using your Craft you made on Day #1 (or quickly taping a straw to the back of a paper airplane). Thread a string through the cardboard airplane {or straw} and tie the string to knobs of furniture on opposite ends of the room. Allow your child to “fly” the airplane back and forth.
Be careful that it is not in a place where anyone will trip over it.
Warning: Your kid may play this for hours and hours!
Day #4 – Math & Science with Paper Airplanes
Then in your letter a week, fold a paper airplane for each person – it doesn’t need to be anything fancy. {Just in case you don’t know how – here is a great You Tube Tutorial}
Take the airplanes out side or to a large room and standing at the same starting line, fly them. Give the children a measuring tape and have help them measure how far each airplane went. Whose went the farthest.
Let everyone make modifications and do a 2nd test. Again, have your child measure how far each one went. This is a great way to introduce measurement and numbers.
Now add a paperclip to the front of your airplane. Have your child make a hypothesis {educated guess} if it will go farther this time. Repeat your test. Was your hypothesis correct.
Finally add the paperclip to the back of your airplane. Have your child make a new hypothesis as to how far the airplane will go. Repeat your test. Not your observations.
Day #5 – Creative Play
Finally in your letter a week, set-up chairs two in front of each other to make your own airplane.
You can print out a passport and plane tickets free here.
If you have a small suitcase get it out – your kids will enjoy playing with it! Roll play going through security, immigration, boarding an airplane, stowing your carryons, the take off, serving beverages and retrieving your luggage.
Additional Activities:
- Visit a Museum – If you are fortunate enough to live by a museum that has an airport exhibit make sure you take advantage and take them there.
- Visit an Airport – If you live near an airport kids may enjoy having a picnic outside and counting the number of airplanes that go by.
- Movie Night – Pop some popcorn and watch one of these movies together: The Best of All About: Fire Engines, Trucks, Airplanes and Fast Trains or The Magic School Bus: Takes Flight
- Airplane Cut & Paste – Create an airplane collage by having your child cut pictures of airplanes out of old magazines and pasting them on a piece of paper. Write a large A on it and the word airplane.
- Alphabet Snack – Make an airplane by cutting a peeled banana lengthwise and placing cut side down on a plate. Cut the cut piece in two and put one on each side of the long banana to make wings. use chocolate syrup to make dots along the long banana to make windows. Add whip cream to make clouds.
More Kindergarten Alphabet Worksheets
- Alphabet Coloring Pages
- Seeds Find the Letter Worksheets
- Popsicle Phonics Alphabet Puzzles
- Fall Alphabet Sticker Worksheets
- Bingo Marker Alphabet Letter Worksheets
- Alphabet Trace & Erase
- Colorful Alphabet Puzzles
- A to Z Alphabet Worksheets
- Alphabet WallCards
- Alphabet Hole Punching Strips
- Fall Color by Letter