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  1. Hello Beth! Thank you for always having such wonderful worksheets… As a stay at home mom, your resources are such a great way for me to help teach my children…. They LOVE it!!!

    The next couple of weeks, I am teaching them about culture… Especially our own, Japanese. I just printed out Japan Coloring Sheets and noticed that on the page with the “map” of Japan, it has a dot and the city of Beijing, which is the capital of China. The capital of Japan is lower on the map and is Tokyo. (I’m sure this was just a typo 🙂 It was correct in the Japan Mini Book.)

    Thank you again! Hope you and your family have a wonderful Thanksgiving!

    1. KindergartenWorksheetsandGames says:

      Thanks so much for the heads up; yep a little oversight from making so many country books quickly LOL. It is all fixed. Have a great day!

  2. Sarah Lynch says:

    These are awesome!

  3. Thank you VERY much for this lovely Japan coloring booklet!

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