This super easy Flower Science Experiment will help kids understand parts of a flower, the flower life cycle, and capillary action – all with a stunningly beautiful flower activitiy for kids! Using this flower experiment, children will be able to color flowers – even making white flowers into 2-color flowers! Try this flower dyeing experiment with preschool, pre-k, kindergarten, first grade, 2nd grade, 3rd grade, and 4th grade students. This color changing flower experiment is such an EPIC kindergarten science experiment. Grab the free printable food coloring flower experiment worksheet and get started!
Flower dye experiment
Food coloring flower experiment worksheet
Start by scrolling to the bottom of the post, under the terms of use, and click on the text link that says >> _____ <<. The pdf file will open in a new window for you to save the freebie and print the template.
Color changing flower experiment worksheet
Start out by filling four clear glasses with water and 30 drops of food coloring – use any colors you like.
Color changing flowers worksheet
We’ve tried this flower science for kids with carnations before and just haven’t had the amazing results as we did this time. I highly suggest using gerbera daisy flowers for this experiment.
Start by trimming several inches off the bottom of all your flowers. That makes sure the pores are open and ready for capillary action to occur quickly.
Dyed flowers experiment
If you would like to really WOW your kids I suggest using a utility knife, carefully cut the flower stem in the middle from the bottom up about 6″. This will allow you to color one flower with two colors! This is an EPIC spring and summer flower science projects.
Dyed flower experiment
Now, for this flower science project, place one flower in each colored water cup. Take the flower whose stem you cut in half and put one part of the stem in one color and the other part of the stem in the other colored water. This flower will be drinking water from both the colors which will result in the food coloring going into different parts of the flower and even combining at some spots for some beautiful color mixing.
Printable food coloring flower experiment worksheet
Get ready to be amazed with this flower science experiments — within a couple hours,you will start seeing the results of your flower activity.
Flower dyeing experiment
So besides the “Wow effect” your kids are about to experience, what is the science behind what’s going on?
When plants are in the ground they get their water by pulling in up their their roots. Once inside the flower stem, tiny tubes called xylem take the water to the plant’s flowers and leaves. The flower stem is like you getting water through a straw! This experiment allows kids to see that happen because the flowers will drink the colored water by pulling it up their straw, the flower stem. Kids will know the water has reached the flower when the petals start showing the colors in the water.
Splitting the stem allows the flower straw to pull up two different colors of water to two different parts of the flower through capillary action.
Dying flowers
Within an hour, you will start to see the leaves are turning the color of the water they were resting in.
Flower experiment
Look how stunning this flower looks after drinking blue colored water all day. Cool right? This is such a fun way to teach kids about capillary action!
Capillary action for kids
Look how cool the flowers look when you split you stem and make bicolor flowers. Super cool, right! If you look carefully the area between the yellow and the blue looks a little green. There is some color mixing taking place as well in this dying flowers.
Color changing flowers
Some of our flowers didn’t color exactly symmetrically, but then again, we probably didn’t cut the stem perfectly even either. I think our coloring flowers came out so cool! Make sure you see all our Kindergarten Science Activities!
Flower Printables
Looking for some fun more flower worksheets and flower activities for kids? Add these ideas to your flower theme.
- Cute, free printable Flower Shape Craft for kids
- Flower Rhyming Words Worksheet
- Sunflower Alphabet Matching
- Flower Mazes – Free Printable Sight Word Worksheets
- Pretty Flower Name of Number Puzzles
- F is for Flower Handprint Craft
- Practice making shapes with these flower playdough mats
- Spring Flower Counting Games for Preschoolers
- Flower Letter Matching Printable
- Grow a Plant Sequencing Worksheets
- Fun Spring Flower SIght Word Game
- Flower Parts of a Plant Flipbook
Fun Science Experiments
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- Beautiful, color changing capillary action experiment with flowers
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Learn about amazing plants for kids iwith this intersting and fun botany lesson for kids! From fascinating facts about plants for kids, plant worksheets, hands-on plant activities, creative plant experiments, and even tests with answer keys to test what your child has learned, you will love this fun printable science lesson for kids! Use this plant lesson with first grade, 2nd grade, 3rd grade, 4th grade, 5th grade, 6th grade, 7th grade, and 8th graders too.
>>>> Get our plant lesson here <<<<<
Flower experiments
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