These all about me worksheets are a great way for pre-k, kindergarten, first grade, and 2nd graders to learn about students, classmates, or for parents as precious keepsakes! Our free printable set includes 8 about me worksheet pages to engage your students as they write and draw about themselves, their family, and more! Simply print all about me free printable and you are ready for a no-prep first day of school activity.
All About Me Worksheet
It’s that back to school time of year again! Parents take pictures and write down what their child is like this year and classroom teachers look forward to welcoming a whole new set of students. These all about me printables are a handy tool for learning about new friends and recording our favorites. Our All About Me worksheets are a simple first week of school activity for the beignning or any time of the year! Our all about me worksheet encourages students to answer simple questions about themselves. They are a great ice breaker and will also help you to get to know your students a little better. Each all about me book kindergarten pdf free encourages creative activities including drawing, coloring, and writing. Students mostly fill in one-word blanks, but there are a few sheets with room for longer answers. Chose the all about me free printable pdf that will work best for your class. These all about me pages are best for kindergarten and first grade.
All about me free printable
Start by scrolling to the bottom of the post, under the terms of use, and click on the text link that says >> _____<<. The all about me worksheet free pdf file will open in a new window for you to save the freebie and print the template pages
All about Me Printable
We had a lot of fun putting together a cute printable for you to use with your class. It includes the following pages.
- A Cover Page
- Self portrait page. Students can draw their self portrait and fill in the blanks to indicate age, eye, and hair color. If you wish you could take photos to be stuck into the frame.
- My favorite things invites students to share their favorite animal, food, and toy
- All about my family page
- Another page about school
- A page for kids to draw and write about a happy memory
- A blank page that invites students to write about themselves
The pages are designed for young learners, so we limited the amount of work that needed to be done on each worksheet. We also used lots of white space, so they are not visually overwhelming.
All about me Kindergarten Printable
The free all about me worksheet pdf set includes:
- The All About Me file (see below)
- Colored copy paper (front page)
- White copy Paper (inside pages)
- Pencils and art supplies
- Printer
- Stapler
All about me PDF
Most children in this age group love talking about themselves and their lives. So, this activity makes a great project for the start of the year. As an aside, any one of these worksheets would make a cute display for a bulletin board. If you wish, you can make the finished pages into little books as they make great keepsakes to send home with parents.
All about me worksheet free pdf
Making Keepsake Books
- Grab the FREE file and make copies of the pages you want to use.
- Encourage students to complete the sheets and draw pictures as needed.
- To make the books, stack the finished sheets in a pile with a cover on top. Staple the book together.
Back to School Printables
Looking for other first day of school signs and all about me pdf choices? We’ve got you covered!
- Grab these Free printable first day of school signs
- Early learners will have fun practicing math and literacy skills with these Back to School Worksheets for Prek / K.
- Kids of all ages will have fun fulling out these Lego All About Me Worksheet to remember this moment in time!
- Back to School Interactive Hundreds Chart to practice counting to 100.
- Help young kids build their vocabulary while having fun with this Free Back to School BINGO.
- Celebrate the 1st day of School with these Kindergarten First Day of School Hat.
- “All about me” graphic organizer
- Lego All About Me Printable
- All About Me Posters
- First Day of School Hat
All about Me Worksheets pdf
Before you grab your free pack you agree to the following:
- This set is for personal and classroom use only.
- This printable set may not be sold, hosted, reproduced, or stored on any other website or electronic retrieval system.
- Graphics Purchased and used with permission from
- All material provided on this blog is copyright protected.
Thank you very much for providing this free of charge. It is just what I needed.
Thank you so much for this free worksheets. Been looking for these. God bless your kindness.
Thank you for the freebie. I can’t wait to use it in my special education classroom.